Major Dan Dailey, required expensive equipment, gender- and age-neutral standards, and considerable time to prepare for and administer the test. Mark Milley, Defense Secretary Mark Esper, and Army Sgt. The new six-event ACFT, initiated by then-Army Chief of Staff Gen. The previous physical fitness test involved gender-normed sit-ups, push-ups, and a two-mile run that could be done anywhere.

The Army’s reluctant recognition that gender-neutral standards do not work raises another question: With “diversity” assigned priority in today’s woke military, why would gender-neutral standards work any better in advanced training for the infantry or Special Operations Forces?Ĭosts, Controversies, and Contrived Solutions This did not happen because of solid research that the Marine Corps produced in 2015, but because of recent data produced by RAND, a Defense Department contractor that has long supported progressive policies that are deeply embedded in today’s woke military. The tougher six-event combat fitness test will be gender-normed like the three-event physical fitness test that the Army used for 40 years. Now the Army has given up on gender-neutral standards, due to high failure rates among women during three years of “diagnostic” trials. In subsequent weeks, all of the military services repeatedly promised that if women were assigned to the infantry, armor, artillery, and Special Operations Forces, “ Concerns about possible reductions in combat effectiveness can be addressed by “effective leadership” and “gender-neutral standards.” Carter ordered all combat positions to be opened for women, vigorously denying that they would receive special treatment in training. Joseph Dunford that some infantry and Special Operations Forces units remain all-male. In 2015, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter ignored the request of Marine Commandant Gen.

Misguided social policies are rarely reversed, but this just happened when the U.S.

When a military social experiment collapses, “social engineers” and “experts” who designed the experiment never admit their mistakes. If structural engineers design a bridge that collapses, they figure out what went wrong before they replace the bridge.